Developing as a Professional Educator 

A. My strengths lie in connecitng with my students and building community in my classroom. I feel I have grown most in taking risks with my morning  meetings and closing circles and how I have introduced the themes of assumption, stereotype, bias and prejudice into our discussions and connected them to our third grade character work around courage, bravery, and being an upstander. I used the essential question, "How can you develop the courage to stand up for yourself or someone else?" as a throughline. I want to continue improving on making my throughline more interdisciplinary. 

B. My professional goal is to continue working on character and social emotional development. I have identified this as a need because it is one thing to be able to read, write or work out a math equation but I believe it is equally important to be able to understand empathy and to respect and treat others with kindness. 

C. In order to remain a connected educator throughtout my career, I will continue to engage in critical discourse with my collegues, attend professional development trainings to further my knowldge and skills and keep up with the ever changing educational world, and remember to use self-care through. 

D. To personally and professionally sustain the energy it takes ot be passionate about students, teaching and learning I will make sure to do self care  by making time to exercise, rest,  relax and connect with my family and friends. 

E. " Strengths - You clearly have a good relationship with your students. They are eager to talk and explain their thinking. Your use of manipulatives to help them in their undersrtandint was excellent. Your questioning was also good. I notived at one point htat you were about t provide an answer, byt stopped yourself. You made them do the thinking. I also loved when your students called out "Im getting it now!" Priceless." - Jodi Hanson (Reflective Coach)

F. My advice for new teachers is to build relationships with other teachers and collegues in their school. It is important and helpful to have people you trust and can lean on when the going gets tough.